Lead resilient,
respectful, workplaces.
Communicate to inspire teams, reach goals, and
unleash your leader within.
All of Marion’s training programs, coaching sessions, and conference keynotes
are AVAILABLE ONLINE. It’s virtually that easy

Are you ready to leverage your leadership communication skills?
Welcome, glad you stopped by. Chances are you are a leader and already have leadership and communication skills, you just want to leverage them further to build productive workplaces and resilient teams that talk (authentically).
You are in the right place if …
- you want to better connect with clients, colleagues, bosses, and employees;
- you don’t have time, energy, or money to waste on strategies that won’t work;
- you are tired of struggling to get your message across;
- you want to build resilient, truthful, and trusting teams.
Imagine the impact you would have if you could …
- finally understand various communication styles and build bridges between them (even the difficult ones);
- have a workplace where respectful and authentic communication is the norm;
- truly feel appreciated and each team member feel valued and empowered;
- feel resilient and positive, regardless of what’s happening around you;
- be the leader you know you can be.
You can have all that and more.
Build relationships, credibility, and trust that foster healthy and authentic communication, teamwork, and resiliency. In short, you will leverage your natural communication strengths to lead healthy and respectful workplaces. You’re in the right place if you want to learn how to lead yourself, lead others, and use communication strategically to link to and achieve corporate goals.
It’s time to unleash your leader within!

OPT IN TO “Marion’s Communication Tips” enews
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and find out how strong your leadership skills are.

EMERGING leadership skills
(PS: Feel free to print out results or save as PDF for your files)

YOUR SEASONED leadership skills.
(PS: Feel free to print out results or save as PDF for your files)

STRONG leadership skills.
(PS: Feel free to print out results or save as PDF for your files)
Great Job, %%FIRST_NAME%%!
Your results are one click away ...
Join the MarionSpeaks community and get real-life, hands-on WORKPLACE COMMUNICATION TIPS blog.
We promise to never sell, rent, trade or share your email with any other organizations. Period.

Any of my programs range from 45 minutes to full-day and can be presented as keynotes or workshops. It’s your call. Whatever best meets your needs is what I provide.

Coaching & Consulting
Want to dig deep? Then consulting, one-to-one, or group coaching is your best option. Define your greatest communication challenge, develop solutions, and measure results.
Ready to take action?

Book Marion
Want to explore options? Boost your ability to communicate like a leader?Planning a conference or training for your team? Fill in a quick info sheet and connect with me to explore presentation options.

So who is Marion Grobb Finkelstein?
Want more info on my street cred? Click the “Meet Marion” button right here.

The Finkelstein Factor™
because you know they will (sigh)
Grab a copy of my latest book for yourself,
your conference attendees, or your team.
(Contact me marion@marionspeaks.com
for bulk prices).
Remember: When the presentation ends,
the learning continues.
Join the MarionSpeaks community and get real-life, hands-on WORKPLACE COMMUNICATION TIPS blog.
We promise to never sell, rent, trade or share your email with any other organizations. Period.