Congrats, you have STRONG leadership skills!

Looks like you communicate like a leader! You take responsibility and you reach out to stakeholders proactively. You have a gift of building trust through your actions and you likely routinely practice respectful and inclusive communication. 

As a leader, you understand that communicating effectively means coming from a place of service and humility. You apologize if you misstep and you know that, as a leader, your actions and words represent your organization as well as yourself. You approach others respectfully and, though there are times when you speak out, you are cognisant of being a good listener.

You love learning, investing in yourself and others, and are keen to learn more and hone your leadership and communication skills. In addition, you may have an interest in passing on what you learn to others, often in the form of mentoring. 

You’re ready to be the best leader you can be and to communicate in a way that serves you, your colleagues, clients, bosses, and employees the best. So glad you’ve joined me on this journey. Let’s get started!

By filling in the quiz, you will also receive “Marion’s Communication Tips” delivered directly to your email. BTW, I share my lists with no one, period. Want a sneak preview of my articles? Check out this

PS: You may unsubscribe at any time, though my clients tell me they appreciate the hands-on tips and strategies and I hope you will too.

Want to fast-track solutions to your leadership communication challenges? Consider this ...

Here’s what clients say about Marion’s coaching sessions:

“(I’ve learned) about my personality strengths and challenges, how to influence others, win their support and buy-in, and increase response rates to my requests.”
Marketing Manager

“I have seen a significant improvement in the mindset of (my employee who was coached by Marion). (The manager) is more positive, more focused on problem solving, and less negative”.
CEO, President

Questions, comments?

I look forward to hearing from you and helping you in your journey to untangle the knots in your leadership communication. You got this.

Marion Grobb Finkelstein

Want to boost your leadership communication? Let’s chat.

Stay connected with Marion. Email Website PHONE 289-969-7691